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We bake Easter biscuits

chickens and chicks
Dutch, Waldorf crafts, Biscuits, Celebrations around the World, and Easter
Paaskoekjes sidepic

Shopping List
250g plain flour
150g butter (room temperature)
150g fine sugar
1 small free range egg (room temperature)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 teaspoon baking powder
icing sugar
drops of lemon juice
food colouring
a piece of brown or yellow fondant icing

Paaskoekjes sidepicll

Today we bake cute Easter chickens, chicks and Easter eggs. We do this easily with two cute cookie cutters and with fondant icing we make nests for the chicks. We glaze the chickens, chicks and eggs with icing so we are going to stir a lot and make all kinds of beautiful colours. We love it!

How to make the Easter Biscuits

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Mix butter and sugar creamy.

Mix in egg and vanilla.

Add flour mixture in parts.

Mix until you have crumbs.

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Knead the dough smooth by hand.

Wrap in cling film.

Put 1 - 2 hour in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 170°C and place waxed paper on the baking tray

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Roll the dough to 1 cm thickness.

Cut out the figures.

Bake the eggs 6 - 8 minutes.

Bake the chickens 10 minutes.

The baking time is approximately because baking times may differ for each oven.
Remove the biscuits from the oven only when they have a pretty light brown colour.

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Allow the biscuits to cool on a wire rack.

Stir a white glaze for the chickens.

Make beaks, wings and eyes with icing.

  • You make icing by stirring powdered sugar with 3 drops of lemon juice and some drops of water at a time, until it becomes a thick, shiny but just liquid icing.
  • Now you have a white glaze that you can distribute over egg cups, which are very useful to stir in various colours for the Easter eggs.
  • You can spread white icing on the chickens. For the chicks, stir a drop of yellow food coloring into the white.
  • You may also need tiny bits of red and orange.
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If your glaze runs you can scrape it neatly when fully dried.

Stick the chicks on the chickens with some icing, leave the Easter eggs.

The Easter biscuits turned out really cute, Happy Easter to all!