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We Eat Ghost Brownies

on Halloween
With chocolate, Autumn, American, Halloween, and Pastry
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Shopping list
185g unsalted butter
185g Tony's dark chocolate
85g plain flour
40g Dutch cocoa powder
50g Tony's white chocolate, in pieces
75g Tony's milk chocolate, in pieces
3 large free range organic eggs
275 g golden caster sugar
30g white chocolate
decoration sugar crystals, black

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We're baking brownies for Halloween, they are supposed to be the best brownies ever, so we're going to do our best! Unfortunately for us it went wrong just before baking. The bottom fell out of the springform when we wanted to put it in the oven and SPLATSj! It was a big mess! So we start again. this brownie has 3 components, which is very handy!

How to make triple chocolate brownies
Start with the first component: the melted chocolate!

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Bring a layer of water to the boil.

Cut the butter into cubes.

Chop the chocolate finely.

Put both in a fireproof bowl.

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Place the bowl on the pan.

Wait for the chocolate to melt.

Remove the chocolate from the heat.

Allow the chocolate / butter mixture to cool completely

The second: sieve the flour and cocoa mixture

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Weigh flour and cocoa.

Sieve it in a large bowl.

Stir flour and cocoa together.

Set the sieved flour / cocoa mixture aside for now

The third: the egg / sugar mixture (using a hand held mixer)

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Put sugar and eggs into a big bowl.

Beat it at the highest speed.

Until the mixture turns pale.

And the volume has doubled, after beating 3 - 8 minutes.

Blend the three components together

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The chocolate-, flour- and egg mixture.

Gently pour the chocolate into the egg mixture.

Fold it in gently, fold under and up.

Fold in until the batter is combined and airy.

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Sieve the flour evenly over the batter.

Fold the flour gently into the batter.

Finally fold in the chocolate pieces.

Place a wire rack in the middle of the oven and preheat the oven to 180°C / 160°C fan

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Place waxed paper in the tin and spoon the batter on top.

Even the batter out, push it into the corners.

Place the baking tin on the rack in the oven.

Bake the brownie in 25 minutes almost cooked.

  • Set your timer for 25 minutes, when it goes, open the oven and pull the shelf out
  • Gently shake the tin, if the brownie wobbles in the middle it’s not quite done yet
  • Slide it back in and bake for another 5 minutes, until the top is like parchment and the sides start to come away
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Let the brownie cool in the baking tin.

Lift the brownie out of the tin by the paper.

Cut the pastry into neat squares.

How to make the white chocolate Ghost decorations

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Melt the chocolate au bain marie.

Brush the chocolate on waxed paper.

Let it cool completely.

Scoop it from the paper.

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Brownies home

Stick a ghost on each brownie.

These brownies taste ghastly delicious!

In anticipation of October 31st we wish you a Happy Halloween, with lots of ghosts and brownies!