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We are going to pick raspberries!

Where? At Framblij
Info, Vacation and Weekend Trips, and Autumn
Framblij sidepic

Plukkerij Framblij
Zwartendijk 11
2681 LM Monster

Telephone: 06-12031522
Email: info@plukkerijframblij.nl

More information

Snazzie paid a visit to the Framblij Picking Garden and it was great! Our mini-monsters came along and they had a lovely time. At Plukkerij Framblij, everything is done to make your outing a Covid-free one, so you have to make an appointment on their website. The images on the video are from before that time, so stick to the house rules, the garden is big so you can easily keep your distance.

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First you pay the entrance fee, then you get a small bucket to take with you, a box for the fruit and a pair of scissors. The bucket has a strap so that you can hang it around your neck, so you have two hands free to pick. At the end of the tour you can pay for the amount of fruit you picked.

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There is plenty of fruit! You can not only pick beautiful sweet raspberries, but also blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, nectarines and plums. The different types of grapes are being picked for you.

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What you can pick depends on the season in which you visit. The plums were not yet ripe and the cherry season was over when we were there. They can do a lot at Framblij, but of course there are no magic tricks. All the more reason to come back soon, there is plenty of fruit to be picked here at any time of the year.

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If you would like to know more about the fruit you pick, take a moment to read the signs in the garden and greenhouses. It states the full name of the fruit, the picking time and other fun facts about it. In the greenhouse little quail pottered around under the bushes, so sweet!

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There is also a vegetable greenhouse, where we saw tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper and cougette. It was also interesting to see the vegetables which were not yet ready to pick. The kids see the different stages that vegetables go through before they arrive on your plate. The mini monsters really enjoyed looking around the greenhouses.
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Then we go and see the petting animals, they are also at Framblij. There was a small pony and a horse, but also chickens and bunnies, just next to the playground with apple and pear trees.
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We go and pay for the self-picked fruit and enjoy a moment in the tearoom. The mini monsters are having a difficult choice, there are delicious homemade muffins and there is strawberry ice cream, also homemade.

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We had a fun filled morning, but now it is time to go home again, with our boxes of freshly picked fruit and a jar of homemade jam. Tomorrow we are going to make something delicous with it, but on the way home there is some tasting already ;))