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We are going to Sealife

and Frunky (the Octopus) can come too
Info, Summer, and Vacation and Weekend Trips
Sealife scheveningen home

Sea Life scheveningen
Strandweg 13

Sea Life websiteReserveren tijdslot en ticket

Sealife is open every day from 10am

The Rotterdampas is valid here as is the Jeugdvakantiepassport!

Sealife scheveningen sidepiclll

When we arrive at Sea Life in Scheveningen (passport trip 3) it is very quiet. It is almost the time they open, it is 5 to 10. We have chosen 10 am as the time slot, so Puk can see all the animals from up close.

He has brought Frunky the Octopus with him, to visit it's relatives in Sea Life ;) We first go to Sea Life and then eat poffertjes on the beach. It's going to be a great holiday trip today!


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After the entrance you pass the Dutch waters or the farmer's canals. Then we see the sensory pool (that's not for Puk) and it is closed because of Covid. Then we get to the Sting Ray basin. The rays are huge, very impressive! We continue to Amazonia, with beautiful aquariums full of pretty fish!

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We see more beautiful fish, they are yellow this time. Then there's a surprise: a Caiman floats nicely under the water. Only his eyes are above the waterline and he looks around vigilantly!

We walk on again, straight into the Tropical Rainforest.

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The first inhabitant we see in the Tropical Rainforest of Scheveningen is a small frog. He is so cute and he poses nice and still for the photo. The fish here are also tropical, you can tell by the beautiful bright colors. We go into the underwater tunnel now and we immediately see a large stingray.
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If you stand in the under water tunnel the big fish swim all around you. We also see a very large sea turtle. There are different kinds of sharks and the special Black Kingfisher ray is on the bottom.

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The ear jellyfish are stunning, they look like ballerinas with their transparent skirts. We don't like the red light, but the jellyfish are really very beautiful. Then we meet the Seahorses, another favorite of the snazzie kids. They are such special creatures! And finally, there is the biggest draw of the day, the Octopus, especially for Puk and Frunky!

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Puk knows a lot about the Octopus, he has several books about it at home and a good memory for facts! He knows they can change colour, have three hearts and lay eggs. He also adores Frunky! We see the caretaker is coming, is it feeding time for the Octopus?

No, he brings it half a coconut and the Octopus is so happy with it, he catches it before it reaches the bottom! (last picture on the right)The caretaker tells Puk that it plays with the coconut and it hides in it. That's a fun fact to know!

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It is good to read that Sea Life worldwide is so committed to the conservation of (sea) animals and nature. They have set up an international trust to finance various projects and campaigns they support. Read more here. Sea Life does a lot of education and information and works together with multiple authorities to keep plastic out of the oceans and to promote sustainable fishing. This is how they protect marine life worldwide.

We have arrived at the fun gift shop and the exit. The Humboldt penguins are not to be seen today, the pen is being cleaned thoroughly and the otters are not in either. Too bad but we'll see them again next time.

First we play on the beach for a while, then we go to the poffertjes!