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We have so many sea shells

let's make souvenirs
Painting, Summer, Present, and Recycling
Sea shell key chain sidepic

What do you need?
sea shells
a mitre
a drill machine
(metallic) paint and a brush
cotton thread
key rings

Sea shell key chain sidepicll
In July we went to the beach a lot, looking for sea shells is always big part of it! We have found so many beautiful shells that we want to make them into pretty holiday souvenirs. The drilling of the shells must be done by an adult or by older kids under supervision of ;) It is a difficult job because shells can break easily, it works best drilling with the concave side up. Practice your least beautiful shell (difficult, they are all beautiful!) Fortunately we have enough shells but we will try our best!
How to make a sea shell key ring
Sea shell key chain 01
Sea shell key chain 02
Sea shell key chain 03
Sea shell key chain 04

Wedge the sea shell tight in the mitre.

Drill a small hole in the top of the sea shell.

Paint the sea shell a pretty colour.

Allow the shells to dry well.

Sea shell key chain 05
Sea shell key chain 06
Sea shell key chain 07

Find beads in matching colours.

Tie a bead to a cotton thread.

Thread the shell on the cotton.

Sea shell key chain 08
Sea shell key chain 09

Thread your beads on, then tie off in a loop.

Paint little kawaii faces on the shells.

Slide the key ring on the string of beads. The key rings are also cute gifts!