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Sausage plait sidepic

Shopping list
a roll ready made puff pastry
250g chestnut mushrooms
salt & pepper
thyme leaves
1 tbspoon sunflower oil / 25g butter
2 red onions + 10g soft brown sugar
1 tbspoon sherry vinegar
250g lean pork sausages
1 free range egg, beaten

Sausage plait home

Today we make Paul Hollywood's lovely sausage plait. You can eat the bread hot or cold, so it is also perfect to bring on a picnic. With a few adjustments (no black pudding or sesame seeds!) everbody here agrees, this is an excellent sausage plait.

How to make a sausage plait

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Brush the mushrooms clean and remove the stalks.

Blitz the mushrooms into a paste in a blender.

Add the leaves from the thyme sprigs and pulse once.

Put in a dry pan, cook until all moist has evaporated.

Keep stirring until there is no more moisture to be seen and preheat the oven to 200°C

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Let the mushroom mixture cool.

Slice both onions thinly.

Heat oil and butter in a frying pan.

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Fry onions and sugar soft on medium-low heat.

It takes at least 20 minutes to caramelize the onions.

Remove the skin from the sausages using scissors.

Roll out the dough and cut it in to 1/3 on both sides.

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Stir the sherry vinegar into the onions.

Spread the mushroom mixture on the dough.

Cover it with the flattened sausages.

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Spread the onions on the meat.

Fold the strips over each other.

Tuck the ends underneath.

Brush egg onto the plait.

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Bake the sausage plait in 30 minutes golden brown.

The sweet onions give the sausage roll a unique taste.
