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We're making doves from paper

for Pentecost
Paper & Cardboard, Spring, Cutting & Pasting, Waldorf crafts, and Celebrations around the World
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What do you need?
a piece of white crafting cardboard
a pencil
sheets of white tissue paper
a ruler
an exacto knife
a cutting mat
needle and thread

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We have beautiful willow catkins in the flower vase, it is almost Pentecost. Today we are making little doves to hang in the willow branches. The doves are not difficult to make and are ready quickly. So make as many as you like, they look very pretty in the branches.

How to make the doves

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Download and print the pattern and then cut it out.

Trace the dove on craft board, make as many as you like.

Cut the doves out of the cardboard using scissors.

Draw a small pencil line in the middle of the back.

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Fold a 16x16 cm tissue paper in harmonica.

Cut the pencil stripe open.

Stick the paper harmonica through.

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Insert a thread through the inside of both wings.

Tie a knot in the top of the thread and hang the doves in the branches.

Happy Whitsun!