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Make an Iphone

for Father's Day
Cutting & Pasting, Present, and Father's Day
Iphone sidepic

What do you need?
black foam sheet
white foam sheet
piece of silver cardboard
fun picture
transparent sticky plastic

Iphone sidepicll

A fun surprise for (Grand) Dad on Father's Day is quickly made. How about a magnet-phone with a picture of you? Dad will surely like it!

How to make a magnet-Iphone

Iphone 01
Iphone 02
Iphone 03
Iphone 04

Trace your (Grand)Dad's phone on foam.

Cut out both halves.

Pull the silver off the cardboard.

Cut two halves out of cardboard.

Iphone 05
Iphone 06
Iphone 07

Glue the cardboard halves together.

Cut out a cute photo, to screen size.

Glue silver paper around the cardboard.

Iphone 08
Iphone 09
Iphone 10
Iphone 11

Glue four strips on side 1, fold them over to side 2.

Glue the silver paper around side 2 as well.

Glue both foam sides on both cardboard sides.

Stick on the back a rectangular piece of magnet.

Iphone 12
Iphone home

Glue the picture on and the button on the front.

Draw the details, glue transparent printer foil over the photo.

What a cool surprise for (Grand)Dad on Father's Day!