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We make a Lion

with our pine cones
Cutting & Pasting, Painting, Autumn, and Natural materials
Dennenappel leeuw sidepic
What do you need?
2 pine cones
a pair of cutters
a wooden slice
strong glue
acrylic paint, yellow and white
paint brush
1 yellow pipe cleaner
black felt-tip pen
Dennenappel leeuw sidepicll
We are still reading lion and tiger books ;)) With a whole box of pine cones in the cupboard, it almost can not be coincidence that we came across these sweet lions on a Swedish website. We also have the other things necessary at hand, a wooden wheel, strong glue and paint. The mini-monsters are enthusiastic, let's start right away!

How to make pinecone lions
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Cut off the top half of one of the pine cones.

Paint the wooden slice and the whole pine cone yellow.

Paint two white dots and two eyes on the wooden slice.

Spread glue on the slice and the pine cone, let it dry for a minute.

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Press the wooden slice firmly on the halved pine cone.

Cut 4 legs and a tail off a pipe cleaner.

Stick the pipe cleaner parts on the whole pine cone.

Allow the glue to dry really well

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Stick the head of the lion on the body.

Allow the glue to dry well again and your lion is ready!