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We make a mummy

with clay
Clay, History, Claying, and Learn while playing
Mummie sidepic

What do you need?
air drying clay (DAS)
bandage rolls
a cup of tea

Mummie sidepic ll

We start by brewing some tea, not because we want to relax with it but to give the bandages of the mummy we're making an 'old' look...;)

How to make a mummie

Mummie 01
Mummie 02
Mummie 03
Mummie 04

Make a strong brew.

Tip in the bandage.

Keep it down with a spoon.

Let drain above the sink.

Leave the bandages one, two nights to soak in the tea, so the colour will turn out well, then let them dry thoroughly. The mummy we clay today must dry thoroughly as well before we can wrap him. So now we make everything ready and then two nights of patience!

Mummie 05
Mummie 07
Mummie 08

Knead a piece of clay.

Roll it into a skull shape.

Make a skull using a stick.

Mummie 09
Mummie 11
Mummie 12
Mummie 13

Roll a body, arms and feet.

Bend the arms over the chest.

Glue the parts together.

Roll the mummy in bandages.

Mummie 15
Mummie 14

Try and roll in the mummy neatly and smooth.

Soon we will paint a cardboard sarcophagus for our mummie.

Later this month we will paint a cardboard readymade sarcophagus to place the mummie in with the little ones. You can order them by three units pieces online at Baker Ross. Or download for older kids a paper model on the website of Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden to make your own sarcophagus.

Super cool!