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Make a vanity tray

for mum's pretty keepsakes
Painting, Present, Woodworking, and Mother's Day
Vanity side pic
What do you need?
3 mm thick plie wood
1 slat of 2 x 1 cm
1 slat of 2.5 x 2.5 cm
saw and miter
Bison contact glue
white paint
Vanity 10

The vanity comes from America. It's  a tray to put on your (toilet) table on which you display beautiful things. But also on a sideboard such a tray does not look out of place and you can easily make it yourself. Great idea, we thought, for Mother's Day! Turns out, the kids really like the display a lot too and they also have lots of beloved things, of course. Before you know it you're making two more. This may turn out to be a big job after all!

How to make a vanity for Mum

Vanity 01
Vanity 02
Vanity 03
Vanity 04

Saw off a piece of 26 x 18 cm.

Mark 2x 26 cm on the slat, saw it off.

Saw off 2x 16 cm of the slat as well.

Sand all the loose parts until smooth.

Vanity 05
Vanity 06
Vanity 07

Mark 4 cubes of 2.5 cm.

Saw off the cubes then sand them.

Firstly glue the tray together.

Allow the glue to dry overnight

Vanity 08
Vanity 09
Vanity 10

Glue on the cubes and allow to dry overnight.

Paint the vanity and allow the paint to dry overnight too.

Now Mum can place her make up or keepsakes on it.

But be keep an eye on it, because if your mini-monsters pinch your vanity ...
Vanity 12
Vanity 11

... it looks completely different!