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We make Kayısı Kompostosu

Turkish Apricot lemonade
Summer, Lemonade, Europese, With fresh fruit, and Turkish
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500g apricots
150g honey
3 cardamom pods
1 liter of water

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In Summer there is an abundance of fresh summer fruit available, including beautiful apricots. We have a Turkish recipe for Kayısı Kompostosu, a delicious lemonade made from fresh apricots. It looks delicious and while we are making it, it already smells delicious. Fun fact, this lemonade is ready very quickly. The cooling takes the longest. :)) Unfortunately we cannot find kardemom pods, we hope they won't be missed.

How to make Turkish Apricot lemonade

Wash the apricots

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Cut the apricots in half and remove the stones.

Place them into a pan with the liter water.

Add the honey to the apricots and water.

Bring the water to a boil and let it simmer for 10 minutes.

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Strain the lemonade.

Pour the lemonade into glasses or bottles.

Allow the lemonade to cool to room temperature.

Let the lemonade cool in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour

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Abrikozen limonade homepage

Put some ice cubes with the apricot lemonade (optional).

Place fun straws in the bottles and you Kayısı Kompostosu is ready!
