What do you need?
pots and saucers
potting soil
The flowers of these seeds are attractive to ladybugs!
You will see this 2 weeks after sowing >>
April 15 Sowing herbs in the spring is always fun for the mini-monsters, from the age of 2 they already help out in the garden. We fill the pots with potting soil and make the soil moist. The kids scatter the seeds and cover them with a thin blanket of potting soil. And now we have to wait ... But do not forget, if the weather is dry to give some water every day.
For the pots with herbs we have a nice rack, then they are all together. What does not fit in the rack we put next to it.
At the end of September and October we cut back the grape and the currant bush. Because the weather remained mild for so long the raspberry gave berries until november, so we only cut the raspberry completely back at the end November. Now we see the bushes grow every day.
Raspberry early in April.
The Blueberry bush.
The Grape Vines.
Red Currant Bush.
These pictures are from the end of April.
Red Currant
The close-ups show the fruit is in the making already :))
But no sign of the chives as yet!
Here comes the first sign of parsley.
Basil and favorite flowers of the bee.
The strawberry survived the mild winter.
The garden does very well, but next time we will tell you whether the vegetable garden is doing well too!