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French toast

with baked banana and honey!
Breakfast, Sandwich, With egg, and With fresh fruit
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Shopping list
200 ml of whole milk
2 free-range organic eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4-6 casino sandwiches
a knob of butter, for frying
2 ripe bananas
2 tablespoons of sugar
½ teaspoon of cinnamon
optional: honey or powdered sugar

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Delicious, simple and quickly ready, French toast with fried banana. A big plus: the mini-monsters love French toast so for a lazy breakfast with the kids on Sunday morning, this is perfect. Even better with fried banana, we start right away!

How to make French toast with fried banana
Turn the oven on to the lowest heat and place the plates in it to warm.

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Break the eggs in a big soup plate and add the milk.

Lightly beat eggs and milk with a whisk until combined.

Add the vanilla and stir it in quickly.

Stir the cinnamon into the sugar then put it aside.

Melt a small knob of butter in the frying pan, on medium heat.

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Dip the bread with both sides in the egg-mixture.

Place the bread slices in the melted butter.

Cut the bananas slanted in thick slices.

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Fry the bread golden brown on both sides.

Fry the banana slices with it for a minute.

Sprinkle the French toast lightly with cinnamon sugar and / or serve honey on the side.