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This British BBQ sauce

brings lots of flavour
British, Side Dishes, and Sauces
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Shopping list
170ml red wine vinegar
50g soft dark brown sugar
50ml Coca Cola
50ml whisky
170ml tomato ketchup
splash of Worcestershire sauce
130ml juices of the beef brisket

Pulled beef home

On a bun with pulled beef it's a tasty bbq sauce that makes it extra special. Start a day ahead, beef and sauce need each other to finish the dish.

How to make the BBQ sauce

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Put out all ingredients then measure and weigh them.

Place a pan with the vinegar on high heat, bring to the boil.

Turn low when it boils, reduce it slowly until half the volume.

Now add the brown sugar and stir it into the vinegar.

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Stir in the whisky, coca cola and Worcestershire sauce too.

Also add the tomato ketchup and stir it in firmly.

Bring the sauce back to the boil, let is simmer very slowly for 15-20 minutes.

Store the cooled sauce overnight in the refrigerator

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Add the beef with the juices to the sauce, leave it to simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Serve the beef on the milk buns accompanied by some coleslaw, piccalili or pickles.
