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Wie durft? (Who dares?)

zegt Sinterklaas (says Sinterklaas)
Dutch language, Picture Book, Animal Books, Poetry and rhymes, Funny, and Sinterklaas
Wie durft zegt sinterklaas sidepic

Wie durft? zegt Sinterklaas
Author: Bette Westera
Illustrator: Barbara de Wolf
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: July 2018
Publisher: Levendig Uitgever
ISBN13: 9789491740565
Price: € 14.95 (HC)
Age: from 4 years and up

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When Sinterklaas is in the country we (re)read this book, which has been in our bookcase for some time now: Wie durft? zegt Sinterklaas (Who dares? says Sinterklaas) by Bette Westera. The adult snazzie readers have been admirers of the brilliant Bette Westera for many years, from her own books, her rhymes and songs and last but not least: her brilliant translations!

Bette Westera has a good sense of humor, she understands children of all ages as no other and her rhymes always rhyme perfectly! No wonder her books are always off the shelf here! The mini-monsters like to listen to her books and the readers love to read them aloud ;))

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This book was illustrated by the extraorinary Dutch illustrator Barbara de Wolf. She draws and colours but she also makes collages from paper and various other materials, which makes her pictures very special and often also very funny!

From the little mice to the cool Cat Piets and the cozy Saint himself, the illustrations are so cute, with lots of attention to detail. The large fold-out pages which you find through the entire book are so surprising for the little ones, a really clever and fun addition! (Sadly this book is not translated into English).

3 bright shining wintery stars for Wie durft? zegt Sinterklaas (Who dares? says Sinterklaas), from the little listeners and their big readers!