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We bake goose biscuits

for the Martinmas Celebration
Waldorf recipes, Autumn, Frosting / Fondant Icing / (Butter) Cream , Biscuits, and Celebrations around the World
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125g butter (room temperature)             
125g demerara sugar                    
1 free range organic egg (S)                
1 teaspoon vanilla extract                
250 gram (Zeeland) or plain flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
icing sugar, to sprinkle
white icing fondant
small piece yellow fondant icing
black edible felt tip pen

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On November 11th it will be Martinmas. We do not roast the traditional goose voor the celebration but we bake goose biscuits. It seems to be a traditional dish on this day, but we do prefer a cookie. :)) The mini-monsters don't like roasted goose either, they say geese belong on the farm. The recipe may seem familiar to you, it is our beloved house recipe.

How to make the goose biscuits

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Place butter and sugar in the mixer.

Mix until it is creamy.

Beat the egg.

Add the egg and vanilla.

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Sift in flour and baking powder.

Fold it in until all is well combined.

Knead it briefly by hand.

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Wrap the dough.

Place 1 hour in the fridge.

Sprinkle flour on your workspace.

Roll the dough to 1cm thickness.

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Cut out the geese.

Place them on waxed paper on the baking tray.

Place the tray in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 170°C

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Bake the biscuits for 10-12 mins.

Let cool on the tray.

Roll the fondant thinly.

Cut out geese.

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Remove the beaks.

Stick the fondant on the geese.

Cut out beaks and feet.

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Ganzen koekjes homepage

Stick on the beaks and feet.

Draw one eye on all the geese.

Look how cute the geese are and no feelings of guilt when we eat them ;)) Wishing you a Happy Martinmas!