Wij vieren feest - Herfst & Winter
(We celebrate - Fall and Winter)
Series: Wij vieren feest! - 2 parts
Author: Susannah van Asch-Yasuda
Illustrator: Annefleur Beekman
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: September 2022
Publisher: Christofoor
EAN number: 9789060387320
Price: € 16.95 (Cardboard book)
Age: 4 years old and up
The wool felted pictures in Wij vieren feest! - Autumn and Winter (We Celbrate!) by Annefleur Beekman are little works of art and the short verses of Susannah van Asch-Ayuda are perfectly in sinc with what you see. We noticed that in the first book of the series Wij vieren feest! Spring and Summer. We love to read these picture books to our little monsters. Such fun to have the whole year of celebrations complete now!
The autumn and winter festivals on the Waldorf school such as Michaelmas, Saint Martin and Saint Lucia are celebrated in various countries around the world. Sinterklaas is of course a real Dutch / Belgian celebration and Christmas is a very special time of year worldwide. Our little monsters love to see all those celebrations felted in wool, accompanied by a beautiful rhyming tekst! Sadly this book is not translated into English!
3 radiant shining stars for Wij vieren feest! (We're celebrating!) Autumn and Winter, from the little listeners and their readers!