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White chocolate frosting

ready in a tick
Basic recipe, Cupcakes, Side Dishes, Cakes, and Valentine's Day
White chocolate icing sidepic

Shopping list for the frosting
100g white chocolate buttons
soft butter
vanilla sugar
40g icing sugar

for the rosebuds
pink fondant icing
pastel green fondant icing
drops of water

White chocolate icing sidepicll

White chocolate frosting tastes delicious on the yogurt cupcakes you made yesterday, it looks pretty and it is very quickly made. If you also decorate the cupcakes with roses it will be real Valentine Cupcakes

How to make white chocolate frosting


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Melt the chocolate on a pan with hot water, au bain marie.

Allow the chocolate to cool, it should still be fluid.

Meanwhile, mix the butter with the sugar until creamy.

Quickly fold the cooled chocolate into the butter mixture.

Place the frosting 10 minutes in the refrigerator to set, meanwhile cut out the rosebuds

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Knead the fondant icing until soft.

Roll it thinly.

Cut it into strips.

Cut the strips into triangles.

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Cut pink strips out of fondant icing and roll up.

Stick the roses and the leaves together with water.

Stick both together.

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Spoon the frosting in a piping bag then pipe it on the cupcakes.

Place a rosebud on top of each cupcake.

Happy Valentines Day!