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Brabantse Sausage Rolls

bake them for Carnival
Celebrations around the World, Waldorf recipes, Baking buns and rolls, Beef, and Pork
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Shopping list for 10 buns
300g bread flour
½ teaspoon dry yeast
1 tablespoon caster sugar
30g butter, room temperature
1/2 teaspoon salt
125 ml whole milk
250g minced beef
250g half-round minced meat
100g breadcrumbs
salt, pepper, nutmeg, to taste
1 shallot
1/2 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 free range organic egg

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It's almost carnival and what is the number 1 snack in Brabant? The sausage roll! We heard this from a reliable source, so with an authentic recipe in hand, we will also be baking sausage rolls today. Hopefully they will be very tasty because we are baking 10!

How to make sausage rolls from Brabant

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Peel the shallot and then chop it finely.

Place all except the egg in a bowl

Knead it until well combined.

Divide the minced meat into 10 pieces of 50g.

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Roll the minced meat into cylinders.

Cover the tray and place it in the fridge.

Leave it until the bread dough is ready.

How to make the bread dough

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Place flour, yeast and sugar in the mixing bowl.

Add the butter, salt and the milk to the bowl as well.

Mix it all until well combined usig the dough hook.

Knead it briefly by hand until smooth.

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Grease a clean bowl lightly with oil.

Place the dough in the bowl and cover it.

Set the bowl aside for app. 15 minutes.

How the assemble the sausage rolls

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Knead the dough briefly.

Dust your workspace with flour.

Roll the dough thinly.

Cut the dough into squares.

Place the sausages on the dough squares and roll them in

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Glue the seam firmly with water.

Seal both the sides as well.

Place the rolls on the baking tray.

Preheat the oven to 190°C

Beat the egg until frothy, brush it on the sausage rolls and thinly sift flour on top

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Bake the sausage rolls in 20 minutes light golden brown.

Serve the Brabant sausage rolls with tomato ketchup and mustard.

Happy Carnival to you all!