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If you say Limburg

then you say vlaai!
Dutch, Pastry, With fresh fruit, and Cakes
Limburgse kersenvlaai sidepic

Shopping list
250 g flour
7g (fresh) yeast
150ml lukewarm milk
15g butter
100g caster sugar
pinch of salt
750g (frozen) cherries
100g caster sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 free range organic egg
3 tablespoons demerara sugar

Limburgse kersenvlaai homepage

For our last regional dish it is Limburg's turn, a province best known for the Limburg's Vlaai (Pie). Today we make a delicious cherry pie but with frozen cherries. Unfortunately, we are still a few months too early for the fresh cherry harvest. The advantage is we don't have to remove the pits! Use a 25cm diameter baking tin for this recipe.

How to make a cherry pie like in Limburg

Make the cherry filling for the pie first so that it can cool down or do it 1 day in advance

Kersenvulling 01
Kersenvulling 02
Kersenvulling 03

Place the cherries with the sugar on low heat.

Put the cornflour in a bowl.

Stir it with some water.

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Kersenvulling 05

When the cherries boil stir in the cornstarch paste.

Let the liquid thicken and then cool completely.

While the cherry filling cools you start making the pie dough

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Sit the flour and salt into a big bowl.

Make a well in the middle of the flour.

Heat the milk until it is lukewarm.

Pour the lukewarm milk in the well in the flour.

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Sprinkle the yeast in and work in some flour.

Then add the butter to the mixture.

Mix it all together into a rough dough.

Sprinkle your workspace with flour, tip the dough onto it and knead it by hand

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Knead it firmly for +/- 15 minutes.

Until you have a smooth, elastic dough.

Cover the dough with a clean tea towel.

Allow the dough to proof for at least 30 minutes in room temperature

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Grease the baking mould.

Dust the mould with flour.

Press in a strip of baking paper.

Fetch the dough.

Preheat the oven to 190°C / Fan 170°C

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Roll the dough into a thin cirkel.

Place it over the baking mould and press in.

Trim the edge all around and knead the trimmings.

Cut the remaining dough into thin strips, to cover the pie.

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Pour in the filling and press on the dough strips.

Beat the egg then brush it on the dough strips and the edge.

Sprinkle the dough with demerara sugar and place the pie in the oven.

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Limburgse kersenvlaai sidepicll

Bake the pie for 30-35 minutes until golden brown.

Serve the cherry pie optional with whipped cream.

With this recipe we close our journey through the provinces, we hope you liked cooking and baking with us!