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Preserving your own gherkins

a tasty hobby
Summer, Preserves, With fresh vegetables, and Picnic Dishes
Augurken inmaken sidepic

Shopping list
1 kilo fresh pickles
3 tablespoons sea salt
200 grams of sugar
600 ml canning vinegar
mustard seed
Juniper berries
bay leaves
sprigs of dill
coloured peppercorns

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Now there are fresh gherkins at Rechtstreex, lovely! Pickling your own gherkins is a breeze, so let's do it! A good vinegar, sugar and some (fresh) herbs, it will be delicious. But do sterilize the jars!

How to preserve fresh gherkins

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Wash and dry the gherkins.

Place them in a bowl.

Sprinkle the salt on top.

Cover the bowl.

Store the pickles for 24 hours in a dark, cool place (outside the refrigerator).

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Wash the gherkins under a running tap.

Drain the gherkins well.

Dry them with a clean cloth.

Divide the pickles over the sterilized jars, you can cut them if you like

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Divide the herbs over the jars.

Place sugar and 400ml water in a pan.

Add 600 ml natural vinegar to the pan.

Bring the mixture to a boil.

Let the vinegar mixture boil until the sugar has dissolved

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Schenk de azijn over de augurken tot ze helemaal bedekt zijn.

Close the jars tightly and let them cool upside down.

Let the completly cooled gherkins ripen for 3 weeks in a cool, dark place outside the refrigerator.