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Home baked rye bread

tastes awesome with Dutch pea soup!
Dutch, Lunch, Baking Bread, and Gran's recipes
Roggebrood sidel

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250 gram rye flour
a teaspoon salt
5 gram dried yeast
10 ml black treacle
175 ml cold water
some olive oil for kneading
extra flour for dusting

a baking pan 17 cm ø

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What's more fun then to go to a Dutch windmill shop to buy flour if you want to bake bread like Gran made? Especially rye flour is difficult to find in a supermarket. Nor will you meet a friendly shopkeeper who knows all about baking at AH or Jumbo.

This time we went to Windmill Shop 'De Walvisch' (The Whale) in Schiedam. We also go to windmill shop 'Drie Kleur Grutterij' in Rotterdam Terbregge. Both mills sell besides all sorts of flour etc, a lot of baking accessories. And also really fun, the 'Drie Kleur Grutterij' also gives baking workshops.

How to bake rye bread

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Rye flour from the windmill.

Weigh 250 gram rye flour.

Put salt&yeast on opposite sides.

Add the black treacle.

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Let the foodproccessor mix the dough till big krums appear.

Slowly add 125 ml water while the machine works.

If the dough becomes more consistent you take it from the bowl.

Spread olive oil on your work surface, place the dough on top then knead it. Our baking mold is 25 cm. De amount of dough is based on a 17 cm pan, that's why our mold is only half-full and our bread will be less high.

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Knead the dough +/- 10 minutes by hand until elastic.

Grease a mould or baking pan and dust it with flour.

Put the dough in the mould, it needs a night to double itself.

Cover the dough with a warm moist tea towel, leave until morning.

  • Preheat the oven to 220°c and place an tray on the bottom.
  • When the baking tray is hot fill it half with water, the steam will help to form a good crust on the bread.
  • Check if the bread is cooked by tapping on the bottom, it should sound hollow. If not bake a little longer.
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Make some diagonal cuts in the bread dough with a sharp knife.

Use a little sieve to dust the bread dough thinly with some rye flour.

Slide the mould gently in the middle of the oven and bake it for +/- 25 minutes.

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Slice the bread nice and thick then top it with katenspek (boiled bacon).

Tastes awesome, with a bowl of Dutch pea soup!