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Homemade Lemon Ice Cream

is the best!
Summer, American, Ice Cream & milkshakes, With whipped Cream, and With fresh fruit
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250 ml whole milk
250 ml whipped cream
240g caster sugar
5 free-range organic egg yolks
175 ml fresh lemon juice
zest of 1 organic lemon

Do not forget!
Place the ice maker container in the freezer a day ahead

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With a new recipe from the USA in hand, we are going to make lemon ice cream, a real ice cream flavour for summer. There is always an ongoing discussion here, when making ice cream, do you eat the ice cream with or without whipped cream. The purists without of course, the decadents among us, surely with! Should we really mention that the sour and sweet in this recipe are perfectly in balance. It's super delicious!!!

How to make lemon ice cream

Start by scrubbing the lemons really well with warm water

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Grate the zest of 1 lemon.

Juice 2 lemons.

Place egg yolks, sugar and zest in a bowl.

Beat until combined using a large whisk.

Now also beat the lemon juice into the egg mixture

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Beat firmly until the mixture is smooth and pale.

Heat the milk to 80°C.

Add gradually while beating firmly some milk to the mixture.

Stir the egg / milk mixture firmly until all is well combined

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Pour the egg yolks mixture to the remaining milk.

Let the mixture thicken a little while stirring, on low heat.

This takes a few minutes, then strain the mixture into a clean bowl.

Cover the bowl and let it cool until room temperature.

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Place the cooled bowl in the fridge for 3 hours.

Churn the ice cream as the manual indicates.

Spoon the ice cream in a freezer container.


  • Our ice cream maker takes about 25-30 minutes to make ice
  • The ice cream is soft when it comes out of the ice cream maker
  • Now put it in the freezer for 4 hours
  • Remove the ice cream from the freezer 10 minutes before you eat it

Now you can be sure that your ice cream is perfect!

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We whip cream with some sugar, for the cream lovers.

We also serve plain, soft, sweet and sour lemon ice cream!

So gooood, enjoy!