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Homemade peanut rocks

a present for Mum
Dutch, With chocolate, Present, and Mother's Day
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Shopping list
180g Tony's Chocolonely chocolate
2 tablespoons of cooking cream
a large handful of peanuts

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Sunday it is Mothers Day! With very few groceries and just as little effort you make a lovely homemade gift, to surprise your mother with on Mother's Day. Moreover, it ready quickly, fun to do and it never fails.We use milk chocolate but dark goes equally well, half and half are also a good idea.

How to make Peanut Rocks

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Melt the chocolate with the cream au bain marie.

When the chocolate has melted stir until combined.

Finaly stir in the peanuts as well.

Place waxed paper on a baking tray, spoon little heaps on it.

Use two coffee spoons. Scoop up the peanut-chocolate with one spoon then push it off with the second, right on the waxed paper. Easy peasy!

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When the pan is empty put the tray in the fridge, so the chocolate can set.

Do mind you leave enough peanut rocks for May 12th!

Maybe you should wrap the peanut rocks immediately, they are just too delicious! Happy Mothers Day!