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A bread pudding with pears from Slovakia
Pastry and Europese
Slovakia side pic

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8 slices of white bread
3 ripe pears
25g raisins
200ml of milk
60g butter
2 free-range eggs
35 grams demerara sugar
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
15 grams demerara sugar extra

Slovakia zemlovka side

From Slovakia comes the Zeml'ovka, it is a super delicious breadpudding. Traditionally it is made with apples, raisins and cinnamon, sometimes it's made with pears for a change. The Slovakians like it best with a cup of strong coffee. Eat Zeml'ovka warm from the oven, then it tastes best. The mini-monsters enjoy the pudding very much, as do we!

How to make Zeml'ovka

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Measure the milk and butter and place them in a saucepan.

Bring it to a boil, stir and let it cool.

Weigh the  sugar, break the eggs and grate the nutmeg.

Put all ingredients together into the mixer and beat.

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Beat the egg mixture until it's frothy and airy.

Peel and core the pears then slice them.

Combine the two mixtures until frothy.

Preheat the oven to 180°C and rip the bread to shreds

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Grease a cake tin lightly.

Lay the bread in it, overlapping.

Sprinkle the raisins on it.

Place the pear slices on top.

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Pour the mixture over the pears.

Sprinkle the extra sugar on top.

Bake the pudding in 35 minutes golden.

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Slovakia zemlovka home

Allow the Zeml'ovka to cool on a wire rack.

Eat this delicious Slovakian bread pudding together with a cup of strong coffee.

Dobrú chut!