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How to knit a lamb

a simpel knitting pattern
Spring, Waldorf crafts, Wool, Celebrations around the World, and Knitting
Een lammetje breien sidepic

What do you need?
ecru or light gray wool, needle size 6-7
knitting needles, 6 or 7
large darning needle
sheeps wool filling

embroidery thread
embroidery needle
a narrow ribbon
a little bell

Een lammetje breien homepage

We are knitting a sweet lamb, because it's Spring, (Palm Sunday) and Easter is coming. It's not difficult, it is knitted entirely in knit stitch. But you do have to pay attention and count the needles. Also mind the casting off and then on again, maybe adult assistence is needed with this. Also sewing it together may be tricky for kids. But with a little help they have knitted a cute lamb!

How to knit a little lamb

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Cast on 36 stitches.

Knit stitch 8 needles.

Tie off 8 stitsches.

Knit the rest of the needle.

Now you have 28 stitches on your needle, turn your knit work around

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Tie off another 8 stitches.

Knit out the needle. now you have 20 stitches.

Knit stitch 7 needles for the body.

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Knit the last needle forward and cast on 8 stitches.

Turn your work, knit and cast on 8 more stitches, now you have 36.

Knit the needle forward and knit another 7 needles.

Tie off 11 stitches and knit the needle forward again.

Now there are 25 stitches on your knitting needle

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Turn over and tie off 11 stitches again.

Knit the needle forward, now you have 14 stitches.

Knit another 10 needles for the neck and the head.

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Then tie off.your little lamb.

Pull the thread through the loop and cut off.

Fold the lamb in haldf and sew it closed.

First sew the head closed and then fold the 4 legs in half lengthways and sew closed but leave the belly open to fill the lamb

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Stuff the lamb's head and legs first and then stuff the belly.

String a thread under the head and pull it firmly tight.

Cast on 3 times 5 stitches and knit 4 needles, for the tail and ears..

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Sew the tail on the lamb.

Sew the ears on the head and your little lamb is done!

Optional you can embroider eyes and a little nose on the head

Wishing you a happy Easter time!