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How to make trees

from felt
Wool Felt, Sewing and embroidery, and Learn while playing
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What do you need?
the pattern
a pair of scissors
wool felt, in green colours
matching embroidery thread
large embroidery needle
wool stuffing
a fairly thick branch
saw and miter box
small wooden discs
hobby glue

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Today we are making trees to expand the landscape in which the Dinosaur roam. Not because there we know the pine tree was a specific type of tree when the Dinosaurs walked our earth, but to make our diorama (maybe we should say Dinorama ><) a little more fun, just like adding the felted stones.

How to make felt trees

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Pin the patterns onto the felt.

Cut out the trees.

Pin the trees on felt again.

Cut them out again.

Now the trees are already pinned together

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Stick the thread in the needle, tie a knot on the end of the thread.

Tie on the embroidery yarn on the tree.

Embroider the trees neatly together using the blanket stitch.

Leave the bottom open so the tree can be stuffed with sheep's wool
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Stuff the trees but not too much.

Saw off 5cm pieces from the branch.

Stick the pieces into the tree.

Sew the bottom tightly closed.

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Your trees are now ready, you can stand them upright.

Or stick a wood slice under then your tree stands firmer upright.

Our Dinosaur terrain is getting more and more fun to play with, tomorrow we make a cave for the dinosaurs to live in!