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How to make homemade chocolate kruidnootjes

it's December!
Waldorf recipes, With chocolate, Sinterklaas, and Biscuits
Chocolade kruidnootjes sidepic

Shopping list
(makes +/- 100 kruidnootjes)

250g self-raising flour
125g dark brown soft sugar
150g butter, cubed
1 tablespoon gingerbread spices
a pinch of salt
4 tablespoons milk
Tony's chocolate, milk, white, dark
2 tablespoons cocoa

Chocolade kruidnootjes sidepicll

We bake our own chocolate-kruidnootjes in three colours. The spice nuts are very easy to make with the mini monsters. They can mix and knead, but also roll and cut, with a wooden knife. No problem at all, but dipping the kruidnoten in melted chocolate can lead to a big mess. Unless your mini-monsters are already past the preschool age, then you'll be fine ;)

How to make Chocolate Kruidnootjes

Chocolade kruidnootjes 01
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Weigh the flour and put it in a large bowl.

Add the sugar, butter cubes, spices, salt and milk.

Knead it all firmly together, into a supple dough.

Place the dough in a clean bowl and cover it.

Let the dough rest for 1 hour under a clean tea towel in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator!

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Roll balls the size of a marble.

Cut the balls in half.

Place on baking paper on a baking tray.

Preheat the oven to 160°C

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Bake the gingerbread cookies 15-20 minutes.

Let cool for a moment on the tray.

Place the kruidnootjes then on a wire rack.

While the kruidnootjes cool completely, melt the milk chocolate in a bain marie

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Finely chop the chocolate.

Let it melt and stir it.

Dip the cookies in the chocolate.

Allow the chocolate to set.

Melt the white and the dark chocolate successively in the same way

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Melt the chocolate.

Dip in the kruidnootjes.

Allow the chocolate to set.

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Sprinkle cocoa over the dry, dark chocolate.

Ready! We have to bake again, before it is december 5th!

Happy Sinterklaas celebration!