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How to make Diyas

from tissue paper
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, and Diwali
Diyas sidepic

What do you need?
colored tissue paper
pair of scissors
photo stickers
gold cardboard
glue stick

Diyas home

Today we make diyas from tissue paper, we make them in different of colors, which looks really nice with Diwali. We think they're super cute so everyone joins in! Then you will soon have a lot of them ;))

How to make Diyas

We first make a mold, from cardboard

Diyas 01
Diyas 02
Diyas 03
Diyas 04

Find something round, a glass or jar, trace a circle then cut out.

Fold a sheet of tissue paper in half and in half again.

Trace the cardboard circle and cut it out of tissue paper.

You need 12 tissue paper circles, cut out 4 from each sheet.

Diyas 05
Diyas 06
Diyas 07

Fold the circles neatly into quarters.

Now get the photo stickers.

Open the quarter, put in a sticker and press back.

Diyas 08
Diyas 09
Diyas 10
Diyas 11

Stick a sticker on top of each quarter.

Press the quarter-cirkels neatly on top of each other.

Press the top one onto the bottom one, and it's ready.

Cut a flame out of the golden cardboard.

Diyas 12
Diyas sidepiclll

Stick it in the middle of the Diya, using the glue stick.

We are going to look for a nice spot for our Diyas.

Happy Divali!