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How to make a Conker Comet

and here's how you let it fly
Waldorf crafts, Paper & Cardboard, Summer, Outdoor Play, and Learn while playing
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What do you need?
various colours of crepe paper
paper gift ribbon
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Today we are making comets, with brightly coloured strips of crepe paper. The little monsters just need some help wrapping the chestnut. We don't find that easy either! Soon we can go outside with the comets and that is so much fun. But look out, sometimes it rains comets in the trees! :)))

How to make Conker Comets

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Cut strips from the crepe paper.

Place the strips in star form.

Place the conker in the center.

Wrap the conker in the paper strips.

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Kastanje kometen homepage

Twist the strips around under the conker.

Tie a ribbon tightly around the twisted paper.

The comets look great, now we let them fly outside!

Take the round part of the comet in your hand and throw it as far as you can slanted upward into the sky, but watch out for the trees! Have fun!