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How to make a lamb

of butter
Waldorf recipes, Technique, Celebrations around the World, and Easter
Boter lammetje sidepic

What do you need?
a pack of butter
a wooden lamb mould

Boter lammetje sidepicll

At Dille & Kamille you will find the nicest things for your kitchen and more! We have been buying beautiful table cloths, all kinds of great kitchen items  and they also have super fun toys and books for little mini monsters.

Now that our ancient mould got lost, let's see if they still sell the wooden lamb mould there. And yes, they still do, we are happy! We like to share here how you can make such a cute butter lamb for Easter and Pentecost yourself. You do need the mould and know how to use it ;))

How to make a butter lamb

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Place your mould in water with a dash of salt for half an hour.

Remove the mould from the bowl, rinse and dry it.

Stuff the mould halves with butter and press together.

Fill the bottom of the lamb and press the butter in.

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Scrape the underside nice and smooth.

Let the butter harden in the fridge.

Gently pry the two parts apart.

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Carefully pry the lamb from the mould, using the tip of the knife.

Place the lamb on watercress, insert cloves for eyes.

Happy Easter Days!