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How to make a Lotus Lantern

for Diwali
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, Autumn, Lantern , and Diwali
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What do you need?
a printed pattern
coloured photo cardstock
an exacto knife
a cutting mat
a pencil and ruler
lancing mat and lancing device
a felt-tip pen, gold coloured
an eraser
hobbyglue and paper clips
a small glass jar and a tea light

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We will be lancing today! But in what will we be poking holes? In a lantern with a golden lotus flower on it, for Diwali. Diwali is the festival of light, So we also let a light shine when it gets dark outside.

How to make a beautiful Diwali lantern

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Cut a strip of 20x50 cm cardstock straight off.

Cut out the patterns, trace on cardboard and cut them out.

Measure and draw a cross in the center of the caerdboard

Use the cross as a guide to trace heart and petals correctly.

  • place the heart of the flower exactly over the cross (O)
  • place the petal against the flower heart horizontally
  • Trace 2 leaves vertically and 2 horizontally, in a cross shape (+)
  • Place the pattern diagonally between the 4 leaves (X) and trace only the top of the petal
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Prick holes in the outer lines of the petals and the heart of the flower.

Trace the perforated lines of the Lotus flower with the golden felt tip pen.

Allow the paint of the flower to dry completely.

Bend the cardboard round, spread glue on the back of the cardboard and stick it down

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Let the glue dry with paperclips on top and bottom.

Place a candle safely in a glas jar in the lantern.

Wishing you all a beautiful Divali!