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How to make a medieval catapult

from popsicle stick
Painting, History, Wood, and Learn while playing
Katapult sidepic

What do you need?
7 popsicle sticks
paint brush
4 rubber bands
a milk cap

How to make knights

Katapult sidepicll

In the Middle Ages, a catapult was used to attack a castle. The castle walls were piled up stones with hardened mud in between. That was not as sturdy as we are used to now, so the catapult was a good weapon to make a hole in the wall.

Through the breech the knights could slip inside and fight off the castle knights. For example, if there was a bad king living in the castle. Today we are also making a catapult, let's see how far ours can shoot!

How to make a medieval catapult

Katapult 01
Katapult 03
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First paint all the sticks and cap and let the paint dry thoroughly.

Stack 5 craft sticks together and wind a rubber band on both the ends.

Tie 2 craft sticks together with a rubber band around the very end.

Slide the stack of 5 sticks in between the 2 sticks.

Katapult 06
Katapult 07
Katapult 08

Wrap a rubber band crosswise around all the sticks, to hold the catapult together.

Glue a milk cap on, to serve as a launching platform.

Allow the glue to dry completely, before shooting the catapult.

Katapult 09
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Find something to shoot with that does no harm.

Now go and aim and fire at the castle, ATTACK!!!

Have fun with your Catapult!