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Make a Palm Sunday stick

a bread rooster on top
Cutting & Pasting, Waldorf crafts, Paper & Cardboard, Celebrations around the World, and Easter
Palm sunday stick side
What do you need?
wooden slat
tiny nails and a hammer
coloured crepe paper
candy (marsh mellows)
chips rings, popcorn, raisins
paper garlands
thread and darn needle
boxwood twigs and string
a bread rooster
Palm sunday stick homell

Yesterday we baked the bread rooster which in Holland traditionally is placed atop the Palm Sunday stick. Today we show you how to make the Palm Sunday stick.

For children who did not have baked the bread rooster: see if the bakery sells them or go to the Jumbo Supermarket. At  Easter time you can usually buy the bread rooster ready made.

Palm sunday stick 01
Palm sunday stick 02
Palm sunday stick 03
Palm sunday stick 04

Saw a piece of 1 meter and one of 50cm from the slat.

Measure with a folding ruler, make the pieces shorter for little ones.

Nail the pieces of wood together in a cross shape.

Mind the nails are not to long, or the back will be sharp!

Palm sunday stick 05
Palm sunday stick 06
Palm sunday stick 07

Cut strips from a roll of crepe paper.

Wind them around the stick, use yellow (the sun) and green (Spring).

Leave the top of the stick uncovered, for the rooster.

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Glue the ends of the strips firmly stuck otherwise they come off.

Make a garland from rings of coloured paper.

Lace a thread through the chicks and tie them to the stick.

Also glue the paper garland to the stick.

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Palm sunday stick 13
Palm sunday stick 14

Bind some boxwood twigs together and knot it to the stick.

You can also knot choclate eggs or fruit or candy to the stick.

String the rings and popcorn on a string, knot loops at the ends.

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Palm sunday stick 16

Now press the bread rooster onto the Palm Sunday stick and wrap crepe paper around the top end. Now see if there is a parade in your area you can join. Best part is after, then you may eat all the goodies!

Have lots of fun on Palm Sunday!