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How to make a zwierezwaaier

and let iit flutter in the windt
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, Waldorf crafts, and Celebrations around the World
Zwierezwaaier sidepic

What do you need?
a pine cone
a wooden bead
a cotton thread
red, yellow, orange crepe paper

Zwierezwaaier sidepicll

For Michaelmas we make a Zwierezwaaier, a fun activity for the little ones. We practice cutting once again at the same time, because you need long strips of crepe paper. Once the strips have been cut the Zwierezwaaiers are almost ready. Then we take them happily outside to let the them flutter, in the Autumn wind.

How to make a (Waldorf) Zwierezwaaier


Zwierezwaaier 01
Zwierezwaaier 02
Zwierezwaaier 03

Cut long strips of red, orange and yellow crepe paper.

Tie the strips together in the middle of the length.

Tie the strips firmly to the underside of the pine cone.

Between the scales of the pine cone you can tie the thread really tightly

Zwierezwaaier 04
Zwierezwaaier homepage

Also tie a thread to the top of the cone with the bead laced on.

Now you can run with the Zwierezwaaier or swing it around.

When you're done playing with the zwierezwaaier you can hang it in a tree, and then the wind can play with it

Happy Michealmas!