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How to make insects

from egg cartons
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, Painting, and Recycling
Mieren sidepic

What do you need?
egg cartons
acrylic paint, black, red and yellow
paint brushes
pipe cleaners, black and white
wobbley eyes
2 styrofoam balls
cocktail prickers
hobby glue

Insecten home

All insects have moved into nice warm holes until the winter is over, but that will take a while yet. We are now reading beautiful books about insects and reptiles. So with the youngest monsters we are going to craft cute insects, with egg cartons. Cozy at the table and then cut, paint, prick and paste. The bugs we made are really fun, here are the first three!

How to make ants

Mieren 01
Mieren 02
Mieren 03
Mieren 04

Trim excess parts from an egg carton.

Cut three egg holes together from the egg box twice.

Paint the cardboard ant a pretty dark black.

Allow the paint to dry completely.

Mieren 05
Mieren 06
Mieren 07

Meanwhile cut twice 3 long legs.

Prick holes on both sides of the body.

Stick the legs through the holes.

Mieren 08
Mieren 09

Prick two holes in the head and stick in the feelers.

Stick on the eyes and bend the legs and feelers.

The ants are ready, this is how you make Ladybugs

Lieveheersbeest 01
Lieveheersbeest 02
Lieveheersbeest 03
Lieveheersbeest 04

Paint the egg cups bright rood

Paint the styrofoam balls black.

Allow the paint to dry well.

Stick a pricker in the head.

Poke a hole in the body using the prick pen, attach head to body with some glue

Lieveheersbeest 05
Lieveheersbeest 06
Lieveheersbeest 07

Poke two holes in the head.

Stick in the feelers.

Stick the eyes on the head.

How to make bees

Bijen 01
Bijen 02
Bijen 03
Bijen 04

Cut out the egg cups.

Paint them bright yellow.

Let the paint dry well.

Cut legs and wings.

Bijen 05
Bijen 06
Bijen 07

Paint two stripes and the face on the body.

Stick the body on the legs.

Fold the wings.

Bijen 08
Insecten homepage

Stick the wings in and the eyes on the bee.

Now our first 3 insects are ready!

Next time we make flies, caterpillars and beetles :))