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How to make

a Hanukkah Greeting Card-12-
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, Painting, and Hanukkah
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What do you need?
a blank greeting card
a sheet of watercolor paper
pencil & ruler
watercolor paint, blue
a glue stick
black felt-tip pen
gold or glitter paper
gift ribbon, silver coloured

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We like to make greeting cards ourselves, for every occasion. The mini-monsters and we try to make something unique from every card. We think thats a lot of fun to do! Today we are making a card for Gran, we wish her a Happy Hanukkah!

How to make a Hanukkah Greeting Card

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Cut a white card to fit into your greeting card.

Paint the card with watercolour a pretty blue.

Allow the paint to dry completely.

Stick you painting on the greeting card usin the glue stick.

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Cut strips of white paper, like candles.

Stick the candles on and draw wicks.

Cut and stick flames on top.

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Stick a silver gift ribbon across the full width of the card.

The light makes the flames look alive :)) now we write to grandma!

Whishing you a Happy Hanukkah!