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Make your own knitting needles

of wood
Waldorf crafts, Natural materials, and Woodworking
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What do you need?
Round wood of 5mm ø
2 wooden beads of 25mm
Bison glue
also necessary
miter box and saw
pencil sharpener
soft cloth

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Making your own knitting needles from wood is a fun job and once you are done you will have a a pair of great knitting needles. To make them knit smoothly, rub them with beeswax and then all you have to do is wait overnight. Rub the needles with a dry oft cloth and you can cast on your stitches!

How to make your own knitting needles

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Saw two sticks of 30-40 cm each, in the mitre box.

Sand the sticks neatly smooth, with fine sandpaper.

Sharpen a point on one side with the pencil sharpener.

Sand the points round and smooth, they should not be sharp.

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If your beads do not fit the needles, sharpen the stick a tiny bit.

Stick the beads onto the not pointy side of the needles.

Set the knitting needles aside for one hour so the glue can dry ...

After an hour of drying, the needles are already quite stuck, but this glue holds better if you allow it to dry overnight and that works out nicely

Breinaalden van hout 08
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... because you rub beeswax over the knitting needles ...

... and you let the beeswax be absorbed overnight!

Rub the beeswax on the needles in with the soft cloth and your needles are ready to knit! Let's see, what shall we knit?