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an extraordinary animal picture book!
Dutch language, Picture Book, Animal Books, and Science
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Zo slapen dieren (How animals sleep)
Author: Jiri Dvorak
Illustrator: Marie Stumpfova
Original language: Polish
Translated into English: not
Publisher: Boycott
Published: May 2019
EAN: 9789492986054
Price: € 16.95 (HC)
Age: 4 years and up

Zo slapen dieren sidepic
We read a beautiful picture book by the Polish author Jiri Dvorak to the little monsters. It's about how animals sleep and that's often not the way they think.
Of course animals don't have a bed like we do, but they do choose a nice, safe place to sleep. Just like our beds are for us and the monsters love to hear that.
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The beautiful, sweet illustrations were created by Marie Stumpfova, they are a pleasure to look at! The somewhat dusty, sober colours give the book much atmosphere. We are all happy with this new book! Too bad it is not translated into English.

3 bright shining stars for Zo Slapen Dieren (This is how animals sleep), from the little listeners and their out loud readers!