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How you decorate the lebkuchen

with icing stripes, royal icing and fondant
Waldorf recipes, Frosting / Fondant Icing / (Butter) Cream , Biscuits, Christmas, and German
Gingerbread icing sidepic

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A lot of Lebkuchen (gingerbread biscuits)
250g powdered sugar
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
2-3 tablespoons of milk

Gingerbread icing sidepicll

We will continue with the lebkuchen, it takes a bit of work, but then you also have a very pretty Christmas treat! Moreover, having just tasted the biscuits, we can honestly say that these cookies are very tasty. Now we also make them very beautiful!

How to decorate the Lebkuchen

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Sift the icing sugar into a bowl.

Add vanilla extract and milk.

Stir it all togetherl.

Until you have a smooth, shiny glaze.

Do mind you make the icing not to thin, it should be thick but still liquid

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Spoon the icing into a piping bag.

Close off the piping bag.

Cut a tiny tip from  the piping bag.

The white icing is now ready to use, we have a lot of biscuits because they are mini sized.

We decorate the Lebkuchen in three ways: white in thin lines and dots; filled up with white and filled up with various colours of icing.

Here's how you do that!

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Decorate your biscuits with thin lines and dots.

The gingerbread men and houses are quickly done!

Trace the candles and snowmen with outer lines, let set.

Fill them up with icing and let the icing set again.

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Put white icing in a bowl.

Stir in a few drops of food colouring.

Pipe lines of icing on the biscuits.

Fill the biscuits up within the lines with the matching colour icing and let it dry again

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Pipe various colours on the biscuits, in the same way.

The Christmas lights get fondant, those need the most colours!

Traditional Lebkuchen with the white icing lines.

Lebkuchen filled up with Royal Icing and smaarties on top.

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Gingerbread icing homepage

Snowmen with Royal Icing combined with fondant icing.

Chistmas lights with fondant icing so the mini-monsters can help us.

Baking cookies is so much fun! Happy Holidays, have lots of fun!