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How to fold pumpkins

of kite paper
Paper & Cardboard, Waldorf crafts, Autumn, and Origami / Folding
Zo maak je pompoenen sidepic

What do you need?
various colours of kite paper like:
light orange; bright orange; dark yellow;
brown; light green
a glue stick

Zo maak je pompoenen sidepicll

Folding these fun autumn pumpkins is not a job for the youngest monsters. There is a tricky part of folding involved for little hands. The larger monsters can do it just fine. pay attention and watch what you are doing then the pumpkins will come out beautiful. When they are stuck on the window and the light shines through, they are even more beautiful!

How to fold pumpkins

We make pumpkins in 3 sizes: 16x16, 20x20 and 30x30cm

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Fold the paper diagonal upwards.

Fold diagonal from left to right, crease sharp lines.

Fold open and push on the top point.

Stick your hand in the left side pocket and fold it over right.

Turn your folding work over and repeat the process of unfolding, holding the point, sick your hand in and then fold over, now you have a double square

You'll get the hang of it quickly if you do it more often and from here on it is easy peasy!

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Turn the square diagonally.

Open up and fold from top to the middle.

Then fold from the bottom to the middle.

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Do the same on the other side.

Fold the creases sharp.

Turn and fold the 4 points.

Glue the points on.

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The first pumpkin is ready.

We fold another two small ones.

Fold a strip of brown or green.

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Cut it slanted.

Glue the stem to the back.

The pumpkins look cute.

Now we fold the biggest.

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We fold two more, medium ones ... it's going faster and faster :))

Done! Now we can stick the pumpkins on the window!

Wishing you a happy Autumn!