wool or cotton thread
a knitting fork (a Lucet)
a pair of scissors
a large embroidery needle
Today we show you how to make a beautiful cord with a knitting fork (the official name for the knitting fork is Lucet). After making twisties, today we learn to crochet a cord with the knitting fork.
Don't ask why it's called a knitting fork when you crochet with it, we have no idea! But we do like making a cord so easil. We even know toddlers who can do it very well, so it's not difficult.
Here is how easy the knitting fork works
- It does not matter which yarn you use, thick ot thin, as log as it fits through the hole
- To start you have to focus, you have to do the same thing twice, but after that you only do it once
- The second wooden part you do not especially need, you can just use your fingers as well
Insert your thread through the hole from front to back.
Guide the front part of the thread up between the fork.
Wrap it around the left tooth and back to the center.
Guide the thread around the right tooth.
Now you knitting fork should look like this.
Lead the thread again, along right and left.
Now you have two eights on your knitting fork.
Pull the bottom thread over the top one and the other one too.
Then your knitting fork looks like this.
Now you guide the thread left and right again.
Pull the bottom thread over the top thread and keep going.
As your cord gets longer, gently pull it every now and then on the back
Now you can continue as long as you like and create a lovely very long cord.
How to tie off: Cut the thread, insert it into the embroidery needle and through the 2 loops, pull the thread tight.
Lace the tie off thread through the cord and then cut it off, doe the same with the tie on end.
You do exactly the same but now with 2 threads.
Poke both threads through the hole in the fork.
Guide both threads around left and right,
And repeat this in the same way, you now have 2 loops.
Pull left and right the bottom loop over the top one.
Keep going on in the same way, loop, loop and pull the loops over.
When the length of your cord is to your liking, you tie off:
- Cut off the 2 threads, put them in the embroidery needle, put the needle through the 4 small loops and pull it tight.
- Give it another stitch to secure it and lace the threads a little way through your cord, before you cut them off.
Have fun!