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by Diana Monson en Maren Briswalter
Summer, Picture Book, Reading Book, Waldorf Books, Celebrations around the World, and informative and educational
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Zomeroogst (Summer Harvest)
Author: Diana Monson
Illustrator: Maren Briswalter
Series: Summer Harvest and Winter Light
Original language: German
Translated into Dutch by: Katja Kaiser
Translated into English: not
Published: April 2000
Publisher: Christofoor
EAN: 9789062386673
Price: €18.00 (HC)
Age: all ages

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We read an old-fashioned but very cozy book with the little monsters. The book is called Zomeroogst (Summer Harvest) and it is written by German author Diana Monson. This book is filled with beautiful spring and summer pictures by illustrator Maren Briswalter and it is about a family celebrating the seasons. Moreover, this book not only contains stories, but also songs, crafts and recipes. That's really something for snazzie.

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While we read to the little monsters, we talk about the festivals that appear in the book. These are the same festivals that the children celebrate at school, such as Palm Sunday, the Maypole and Saint John's Day. This is a very enjoyable book!

3 cheerful shining stars for Zomeroogst (Summer Harvest_ regrettably not translated into English), from the little listeners and the readers!