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Summer Skewers

on the barbecue or on the grill
Main Courses, With fresh fruit, With fresh vegetables, and Pork
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Shopping list
500g pork tenderloin, in pieces of 2 cm
1/2 small pineapple, cut into 2cm pieces
1 small red onion, cut into 6 wedges, each halved
225 grams baby peppers (mixed colours)
2 tablespoons olive oil
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
ready-to-use Teriyaki sauce, for brushing
lettuce, chopped red onion and halved tomatoes
ground pepper and sea salt
olive oil and red apple vinegar

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When the weather is nice, we get the barbecue out, but if it's not garden weather, we use the grill pan. Anyway, these skewers are very tasty and quickly made. Everyone is happy here when we add fries and a summer salad to the menu!

How to make the Summer Skewers

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Cut the red onion into wedges and then halve them.

Wash the mixed mini paprika's and pat them dry.

Cut into pieces of 2 cm and also cut the pinapple.

Cut the pork tenderloins into 2 cm pieces.

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Place the tenderloin pieces in a large bowl.

Add the fruit and veg to it.

Add the sea salt, pepper and olive oil.

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Mix it until combined and coat it in olive oil.

Lace pork, vegetables and fruit on the skewers.

Heat the grill pan, place the skewers alternately in.

Grill and turn the skewers now and then, for 10-12 minutes.

Brush before the last five minutes of grilling the teriyaki sauce on the skewers

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Meanwhile tear and wash the lettuce.

Chop an onion and cut the tomatoes.

Season and dress the salad.

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Griil the last 5 minutes with teriyaki sauce on.

Serve the Summer Skewers with the salad and French Fries.
