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by Tialda Hoogeveen & Irene Goede
Dutch language, Biology, Summer, Reading Book, and Animal Books
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Zomerzon (Summer Sun)
Author: Tialda Hoogeveen
Illustrator: Irene Goede
Series: Lentekriebels, Herfstpret, Winterslaap
Original language: Dutch
Translated in English: not
Published: June 2010
Publisher: KNNV
ISBN13: 9789050113267
Price: € 5.00 (on sale)
Age: 8 years and up

Zomerzone sidepicll

We had not read any books by Tialda Hoogeveen yet until we found Zomerzon (Summer sun, sadly not available in English). The beautiful drawings by Irene Goede we already knew, from other books. Zomerzon is exactly the kind of boek the mini-monsters like to read.

In the book six animals who live by the grace of the sun are highlighted. They are not big, they may not stand out immediately. But after reading this book, if you look and listen carfully, you will see them in real life and notice just how special they are!

Zomerzone 01
Zomerzone 02
Zomerzone 03

In the book you will find the characteristics of the relevant animal per chapter. In addition, Tialda Hoogeveen gives a variety of educational information about the life and struggles of for instance the Icarus Blue butterfly in a fun way. Then some information about conspecifics and finally an educational assignment that the kids can do themselves. The mini-monsters love this and enthusiasticly join in.

3 beautiful stars in a dark blue sky for Summer Sun, unanimously and from the heart!