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Saint Lucia buns

a recipe by Paul Hollywood
Breakfast, Waldorf recipes, Baking buns and rolls, Europese, and Celebrations around the World
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250ml milk
1 teaspoon saffron threads
50g unsalted butter
500g strong white flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 sachet instant yeast (7g)
50g caster sugar
100 quark cheese
1 free range egg yolk,beaten
soaked raisins
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In the Scandinavian countries and in the north of Italy (in Syracuse on Sicily, the birthplace of the saint) every year on December 13 the St. Lucia festival is celebrated. Saint Lucia lived in the third century. Because her feast once coincided with the shortest day of the year, in Sweden it became the Christian holiday of light and the beginning of the Christmas season.

In Sweden girls wake up the family early in the morning, in a white dress with a red sash and candles on their head. Traditionally they bring the Saint Lucia buns (Lusekatter) for breakfast and sing special Saint Lucia songs. We do not take it that far, but we do bake the buns from Paul Hollywood's recipe.

How to make Saint Lucia buns (Lussekatter)

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Warm the milk on low heat until gently steaming.

Remove from the heat and add the saffron threads.

Add the butter and let it cool to lukewarm.

Place flour, yeast, sugar and salt in a big bowl.

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Add the milk mixture through a sieve.

Add the quark too then knead it loosely.

Dust your work surface with flour.

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Tip the dough out then knead it for 5 - 6 minutes.

When the dough feels silky place it in a oiled bowl.

Put the dough in a warm spot, allow it to rise 1 - 1.5 hours.

After proving the dough should be doubled in volume.

Place a sheet of waxed paper on your work surface, brush it lightly with vegetable oil then dust it with flour. Knock the risen dough firmly back.

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Divide the dough in 8 equal pieces.

Roll 4 pieces into 30 cm long S shapes.

Coil the ends firmly inward.

Preheat - after proving for the second time - the oven to 200°C*

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Roll the other 4 buns in V shape, the ends coiled outward.

Allow the buns to prove for another 30 - 45 minutes.

*Brush the buns with the beaten egg yolk.

Press a raisin in the ends of each bun.

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Bake the buns in +/- 15 minutes lightly golden brown.

Allow the buns to cool on a wire rack.

The buns taste best fresh from the oven but if you want to keep them a day best store them in a tin.