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Van Gilse, all about jam

with these tips you make perfect jam
Info, Cooking-and baking tips, Basic recipe, Waldorf crafts, Technique, Preserves, and Jam / compote / jelly
Ananas meloen jam side

Sugar manufacturer Van Gilse gives tips for making jam on their website, their tips we like to pass on at snazzie.nl. You can also find a lot of recipes from readers. They also have a calendar with when which fruits are in season, super handy!

How to sterilize preserve jars


Ananasmeloenjam promo

By the end of spring you see lots of summer fruits appear on the market and in vegetable grocers. What we've been doing since forever and we also find super fun to do is making our own jam. Simple&quick to do and always delicious. Together with the kids jam making is really fun because after we have a picnic in the garden.

But ... keep mini-monsters away from pans containing hot jam, the boiling and pouring is too dangerous, that's really a grown-up's job! The kids can help clean and slice the fruit with a plastic knife, washing up jars or blend the fruit when it's still cold.

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Apricots peaches
Homemade jam 03

When there are summer fruits in abundance we make stock for winter. So you can taste summer in the apricots&peaches, sweet Dutch strawberries or red or black currants, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries on cold winter mornings.

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Strawberry jam promo

Here's the Jam making method of Van Gilse Sugars
Mix the fruit well with the special jelly sugar.
Slowly bring the mixture to a boil, stirring, and let it bubble for 1 minute.
The cooking time starts at the moment that the entire surface of the mass bubbles and this can no longer be undone by stirring.
If necessary, skim the jam with a slotted spoon and pour into sterilized jars.
Fill the jars to the brim, close immediately and turn upside down for 5 minutes.

Storage instruction 1 year
Keep refrigerated after opening

We wish you lots of fun!