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American pancakes

nice and fluffy!
Lunch, American, and Pan Cakes
American pancakes side

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150g self raising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
30g caster sugar
150 ml milk1 free range egg
30g butter + extra to bake in

American pancakes side ll

We Dutch have been baking our delicious pancakes for a very, very long time of course. Tourists also love our pancakes and poffertjes. But the pancakes from the United States are a different cake, they are small, thick and fluffy.

They taste slightly salt but also very nice. They are often baked or served with blueberries. The maple syrup tastes like our 'keukenstroop' but is much more fluid. See for yourself which you prefer, it's fun to try!

How to make American Pancakes

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Melt the butter on a low heat and let it cool.

Sift the flour with the bakingpowder into a big bowl.

Stir the sugar and the salt into the sieved flour.

Beat the egg with the milk using two forks.

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Whisk the cold butter into the egg mixture.

Whisk the egg mixture into the flour mixture.

Melt a knob of butter in a frying pan.

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Spoon three heaps of batter into the pan.

Bake the pancakes on both sides golden brown.

Serve the pancakes tradionally with Maple Syrup or with Dutch keukenstroop.