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Appeltjes van oranje...

we make a Sinterklaas Trifle
Dutch, Waldorf recipes, Desserts, Sinterklaas, and With fresh fruit
Mandarijnen trifle sidepic
Shopping list
35g custard powder
2 tablespoons sugar
500ml semi skimmed milk
250 ml double cream
2 tablespoons sugar
4 tangerines
8 speculaas biscuits
red and yellow sprinkles
Mandarijnen trifle sidepicll

Tonight we celebrate the arrival of St. Nicolaas in Holland! We eat chicken and french fries with the mini-monsters and we make a tangerine trifle for dessert. The triffle is a real children's treat and by adding speculaas and tangerines we give it a Sinterklaas twist. Afterwards it's time to put your shoe out of course, very exciting!

How to make a tangerine trifle

Mandarijnen trifle 01
Mandarijnen trifle 02
Mandarijnen trifle 03
Mandarijnen trifle 04

Stir the sugar into the custard.

Stir in 3 tablespoons of milk.

Stir together until smooth.

Bring the milk to the boil.

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Mandarijnen trifle 06
Mandarijnen trifle 07

Stir in the custard mixture.

Keep stirring until the custard thickens.

Remove it from the heat when thickend.

Dust the custard with icing sugar to prevent a skin forming, allow to cool completely then place it in the fridge until after dinner.

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Mandarijnen trifle 09
Mandarijnen trifle 10

Put the cream with 2 tablespoons of sugar in the mixer.

Beat the cream until stiff peaks form

Peel the tangerines, remove all the white skin.

Store the whipped cream and the tangerine parts also in the fridge.

How to assemble the trifle

Mandarijnen trifle 11
Mandarijnen trifle 12
Mandarijnen trifle 13
Mandarijnen trifle 14

Break speculaas in a glass jar.

Stir the custard firmly.

Spoon some on the biscuit.

Put tangerine parts on top.

Mandarijnen trifle 15
Mandarijnen trifle home

End with whipped cream then repeat the process.

Scatter on sprinkles and decorate with tangerine parts.

Have fun tonight!